Dental Education Resource Guide
Where to Call Directory
Dental education and health care resources
Accredited Education The following programs are accredited by the ADA Commission on Accreditation of Dental Programs and dental auxiliary education programs.
Spokane Community College
Program Director: J. Patricia Norman, 509.533.7301, Pat.norman@scc.spokane.edu
River City School of Dental Assisting
721 N. Pines, Spokane Valley
Program Director: Debby Halstead 509-768-8188 or rcsdentalassisting@yahoo.com
Carrington College
10102 E. Knox Ave., Suite 200 Spokane, WA 99206
Program Director: Kerri Morris (509) 378-3628
Bates Technical College, Tacoma
Bellingham Technical College
Clover Park Technical College, Tacoma
Renton Technical College
Seattle Central College
South Puget Sound Community College, Olympia
Yakima Valley Community College
Eastern Washington University, Spokane
Program Specialist: Kasey Clark, Kclark56@ewu.edu
Bellingham Technical College
Clark College, Vancouver
Columbia Basin College, Pasco
Lake Washington Institute of Technology, Kirkland
Pierce College, Tacoma
PIMA Medical Institute, Seattle
Seattle Central College, Seattle
Yakima Valley Community College, Yakima
University of Washington School of Dentistry
Associate Dean for Student Services & Admissions: Dr. Susan Coldwell, 206.616.3087, scoldwel@uw.edu
Alumni Services: Randy Newquist, 206.616.0716, randyn@uw.edu
CLICK HERE for details on UW RIDE Program