SDDS Members and their employees are eligible to participate in our Association Health Plan

There are currently 25 dental offices in the Spokane and Coeur ‘d Alene area that are participating in the SDDS benefits plan. As of November 1st, 2023, there are 331 participants. The plan is accessible to group members now. If a group renews mid calendar year, they can come on at any month throughout the year. All groups would renew January 1 in the following years.

Most groups in the Spokane District Dental Society are insured through the small group insurance market. Members will see more competitive rates by risk sharing with other members. Each group must submit a simple employee census to obtain rates. Groups can offer up to two medical plans as long as one plan is an HMO option. If groups want to offer one plan, they can choose any of the four options. Over time as the collective group grows, we do plan on adding more benefit options to make available to members, such as Life and Disability.

For questions, details or to enroll, contact:

Joe Roberts: (509)343-9556

Tara MacKay: (509)343-9540