Constitution of the Spokane District Dental Society

Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be the Spokane District Dental Society, hereinafter referred to as "the Society," or "this Society."

Article II — Object

The object of this society shall be to encourage the improvement of the health of the public and to promote the art and science of dentistry.

Article III — Organization

Section 1. This society is a non-profit corporation, organized in the State of Washington. If this corporation shall be dissolved at any time, no part of its funds or property shall be distributed to its members, but after payment of all indebtedness of the corporation, its surplus funds and properties shall be used for dental education and research in such manner as the then governing body of the society may determine.

Section 2. This society shall hold a charter from the Washington State Dental Association, a constituent society of the American Dental Association. Thus, as a component part of the Washington State Dental Association, this Society shall be subject to its rules and regulations.

Article IV – Government and Officers

Section 1. Business affairs and scientific sessions shall be conducted by the members of this Society at regular meetings as provided in the Bylaws.

Section 2. This Society shall be represented in the House of Delegates of the Washington State Dental Association by the authorized number of delegates as provided in the ByLaws of the Washington State Dental Association..

Section 3. The officers of this Society shall be a President, President-elect, and Secretary / Treasurer. These officers and the immediate Past President, together with nine dentists chosen from the membership at large or their designated alternates, shall constitute the Executive Council.

Article V — Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics of the American Dental Association, Washington State Dental Association, and the local regulations of the Spokane District Dental Association shall govern the professional conduct of the members of this Society.

Article VI — Amendments

This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the members present at any regular meeting, provided the proposed amendment has been presented in writing to the Secretary at any previous meeting of the Society, or mailed to each eligible member at least thirty (30) days prior to the time when it comes to a vote.