Dental Restorations

Sealants are highly effective in preventing decay on the biting surfaces of your chewing teeth, sealants are a simple procedure in which a "coating", typically tooth-colored, is painted onto the surface of the tooth. This effectively "seals" the deep grooves acting as a barrier, protecting enamel from plaque and acids.

Sealants are made from a variety of materials and are made to protect the depressions and grooves of your teeth from food particles and plaque that brushing and flossing can't reach.

Easy to apply, sealants take only a few minutes to seal each tooth. Sealants hold up well under the force of normal chewing and can last several years before a reapplication is needed.

Children and adults can benefit from sealants in the fight against tooth decay.

Dental composites
Composite resin fillings are the most common alternative to dental amalgam. They are sometimes called "tooth-colored" or "white" fillings because of their color. Composite resin fillings are made of a type of plastic (an acrylic resin) reinforced with powdered glass. The color (shade) of composite resins can be customized to closely match surrounding teeth.

Dental Amalgam
Dental amalgam has been used for more than 150 years in hundreds of millions of patients.

Dental amalgam is a mixture of metals, consisting of liquid mercury and a powdered alloy composed of silver, tin, and copper. Approximately 50% of dental amalgam is elemental mercury by weight.

Dental amalgam fillings are also known as "silver fillings" because of their silver-like appearance.

There are circumstances in which composite (white fillings) serves better than amalgam; when amalgam is not indicated, or when a more conservative preparation would be beneficial.

The American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs has concluded that both amalgam and composite materials are considered safe and effective for tooth restoration.

Porcelain veneers are thin shells of material that bond directly to the front and top surfaces of the teeth. They are an ideal choice for improving your smile and have become increasingly popular due to their simplicity and versatility. A veneer can correct gaps between your teeth, teeth that are stained, badly shaped or crooked and help you achieve a beautiful smile.

When bonded to the teeth, the ultra-thin veneers are virtually undetectable and highly resistant to coffee, tea, or even cigarette stains.

Having a beautiful smile may be even easier than you think. Many people achieve the look they've been dreaming of with professional "bleaching" procedures.

Professional dental bleaching can be used to correct many tooth discolorations. These discolorations may have been caused by staining, aging, or chemical damage to teeth. Using the latest in bleaching technology, dentists offer a safe method for creating a beautiful, "brilliant" smile. In cases of extreme tooth discoloration, crowns or veneers may be the only choice and because of the conservation of tooth structure and lower cost as compared to restorative treatment, bleaching is often recommended before restorative options are considered.

Inlays / Onlay
Inlays and onlays are made from a variety of dental materials. These materials are bonded in the place of the missing or removed area of the once diseased or damaged tooth. An inlay, which is similar to a filling, is used inside the cusp tips of the tooth; an onlay is a more substantial reconstruction, similar to the inlay but extending over one or more of the cusps of the tooth.

Traditionally, gold has been the material of choice for inlays and onlays. In recent years, however, porcelain and other dental materials have become increasingly popular due to their strength and color, which can potentially match the natural color of your teeth.

If damage to a tooth is extreme your dentist may recommend the use of a full coverage crown. A crown is a restorative option for the most severe loss of tooth structure and is available in many types of dental materials.

Many people have unexplained pain from filled back teeth, which may be due to cracks in the tooth. Placing crowns on these teeth is an option to potentially relieve the pain and return of full dental function for these teeth. In front teeth, older fillings can both weaken the teeth and cause "appearance" problems due to staining or chipping. Tooth colored crowns are suitable in cases where veneers are not. In teeth with root canal fillings, crowns can prevent breakage and may be the best treatment option.

Cad Cam Dentistry consists of dental restorations, including crowns, onlays, inlays and veneers that are both designed and manufactured with the aid of a computer.

CAD / CAM dentistry utilizes a machine many dentists use to create tooth colored restorations for teeth in one appointment. The CAD / CAM software takes a digital picture and converts it into a 3-dimensional virtual model on the computer screen that a dentist uses to design the restoration. The restoration design data is sent to a separate milling machine in the office. A ceramic block that matches your tooth shade is placed in the milling machine and a customized tooth-colored restoration comes out.