We are in this together! The significance of organized dentistry has been underestimated in recent times, with dentists due to the overall favorable conditions for dentists. However, with the rise of student debt, significant political shifts in healthcare, and swiftly changing technologies, the value of our collective effort must be acknowledged once more. Membership in organized dentistry fortifies our profession. The dental field has thrived because we have protected it and if we stop, it will change.
There is no better investment you could make for career and practice which costs so little but has such a large impact. ADA/WSDA/SDDS Membership will give you the opportunity to have a stronger voice, tools to save money, educational opportunities to enhance your skills, networking and support from peers, and other tools to help you succeed as a dentist.
Transfer your Membership to Spokane District Dental Society: If you live or practice in Spokane County, you can transfer your existing society membership to SDDS. Please call WSDA at: (800) 448-3368 and select “membership” for guidance.
If you are current member of a dental society outside of Spokane and would like to join as an Associate Member to receive SDDS member benefits CLICK HERE