Who We Are and What We Do 

The mission of the Spokane District Dental Society shall be to encourage the improvement of the health of the public and to promote the art & science of dentistry.

SDDS offers comprehensive support to its members at national, state, and local levels.  We are dedicated to promoting excellence in dental care and furthering the dental profession. Our organization unites dental professionals of all specialties, such as dentists, hygienists, and dental assistants, to encourage collaboration, education, and advocacy.




Don't miss the

SDDS SKI and CE Event

March 8th 9:00-AM - 1:00 PM

Schweitzer Mountain Resort, Sandpoint, ID

CLICK HERE to register

Professor, retired colonel recipient of ADA Distinguished Service Award

Jul 29, 2024
Theresa S. Gonzales, D.M.D., continues to demonstrate commitment to underserved

Retired U.S. Army Col. Theresa S. Gonzales, D.M.D., remembers her childhood dentist well.

“Our dental care was provided by the local dentist in my hometown, and I can honestly say that the only two words that he ever spoke to me, or my four siblings, was ‘open’ and ‘spit.’” Read the full article.


Spokane District Dental Society

23403 E. Mission Ave Ste 104
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
ph: 509-838-0436
Email: info@spokanedentalsociety.org


Check us out on Facebook.
